① 中学1年~3年 理科特別授業
・中学2年生 2018年10月27日(土)
・中学1年生 2018年11月5日(月)
・中学3年生 2018年11月15日(木)
② 中学2年/3年 英語科特別授業「国際交流」
It was an honor and a pleasure to work with your enthusiastic students.
1. From what I have heard from the students, most of them have studied English for only 2-3 years. However, they were able to carry simple conversations very fluently. They were abler to ask and answer questions with a decent choice of vocabulary. Although, it might be a bit difficult for me to compare their skills with those at other schools, I am very impressed by their level of speaking and listening skills.
2. What’s more important than being able to speak and listen correctly is the courage to try using and the drive to seek for new knowledge. I think students will learn much more efficiently and enjoy the journey if they have a good attitude towards studying English. Don’t see mistakes as failures, but see them as an improvement.
English is essential; having the ability to communicate in English will come with a lot of opportunities.
A great method for learners in all levels to improve their listening and speaking skills is watching English movies, English soundtrack with English subtitles. For beginners, I recommend starting with movies with clear and simple English. Disney animations are a perfect example. Intermediate or advanced learners can try more challenging films with or without subtitles. This way, students of all level can learn without getting bored.
3. You guys were lovely. I really enjoyed talking and hope you did so, too ;). Keep up the great work, don’t be shy. English is not easy, but learning it can be extremely fun. Learning does not mean you have to sit down and read grammar textbooks. If you like to read books, try English novels. If you are a movie lover like me, watch them with English soundtrack.
Don’t push yourself too much. Study at your own pace. I hope the very best to every one of you. It was an honor and a pleasure.
4. The students were lovely. They were very energetic and enthusiastic. I wish I could stay longer and help them with their studies, but I know they are in the best hands. I am sure you guys, the teachers, have and will provide them with greatest care.
I think this program is a great opportunity for the students to get to talks to English speakers. Some students could communicate in English, but are just scared to do so. This is their chance to be confident and experience being in an English-speaking environment.
Some other comments; I think arranging the students in small groups of 3-4 is a great idea. 50 minutes is just perfect, we have enough time to get to know each other and they became more comfortable in talking. Some students were more confident than others, and some were shy. Although I don’t have an insight to the situation and conditions, I think maybe grouping students with the same level together might be good idea to try.
Nonetheless, It was a wonderful experience. My friends and I had a wonderful time speaking English with enthusiastic students. I hope I could join this program again.
Best regards,